Over 10 years’ experience in delivering
integrated, full life support solutions to
drilling rigs up to 60km offshore. Our clients
include leading multinational drillers.
The average off-shore rig has approximately 80 people on board (POB) who work in a cramped and difficult environment for long periods of time. Under these harsh, dangerous working conditions, the level of productivity depends on life support solutions that maintain morale, health, safety and quality.
The demands of rigs are about more than just providing these services – supply chain management is critical. Using various mechanisms, from barging to air freight, Tsebo manages services end-to-end, thereby avoiding impact on production. We understand the demands of taking care of an on-board team on crew rotations of 30 to 45 days. We understand the need to ensure that supply chain, food quality and variety, staff attitudes and health and safety matters are always working perfectly.
We operate according to HACCP and utilise HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training), H2S, First Aid, Fire Fighting, and other essential skill requirements as standard. Tsebo delivers thorough, exacting standards of discipline and efficiency, understanding that the productivity of the entire operation relies on consistent performance excellence.