We are the workplace management solutions provider company, that supports the best companies across the Middle East.


We have the local expertise and global standards to offer our clients services and solutions that improve workplace productivity and supports their success.




Avenue de la République Commune de Kaloum B.P 3114 Conakry -RG +22 67 231-6616


+26 021 184 7711 House Number 7, Bombesheni Close, Riverside Kitwe, Zambia


+25 641 469 5093 Plot 18 A, Kyadondo Road, Kampala, Uganda


+25 577 822 1300 P.O Box 105677, Msasani, Kaunda Drive, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Sierra Leone

+23 27 751 0833 3 Sall Drive, Sir Samuel Lewis Street, Aberdeen, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Saudi Arabia

+966 13 887 6211 Xenel Building, 28th Street, Saudi Arabia 31952. Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia


+23 324 630 9026 Balogun & Balogun, 2nd Floor, FCMB Tower, No. 44 Marina. Lagos, Nigeria


+26 46 327 4917 3rd Floor, Mandume Park Building, 1 Teinert Street, 9000 Windhoek, Namibia


+25 82 149 5870 1593 Avenida Julius Nyerere. Maputo, Mozambique


+23 04 036 000 Office No. 8, 3rd Floor, Tower A, 1 Cyber City Ebene, Mauritius


+23 324 630 9026 Porte Bamako ACI 2000, Rue 395, 2401. Bamako, Mali


+23 188 089 3039 3rd Floor, Fedex Plaza, 80 Broad Street Monrovia, Liberia


+22 62 231 1008 PO Box 022, Maseru West 105 Maseru, Lesotho


Telephone to +254(0)722 755 033 / +254(0)718 238 962 Global Centre, Yaya Centre, Nairobi P.O.Box 21842-00505, Nairobi, Kenya


+23 324 630 9026 18 Cairo Street, East Legon, Accra. PO Box OS 2428, Osu, Accra, Ghana


+23 324 630-9026 6529/6 Avenue du Plateau, Gombe, Kinshasa, DRC

Cote d’Ivoire

+22 577 372 7753 17 Tongon-Mbengue S/P de Korhogo, 17BP 945 Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

Burkina Faso

+22 67 231 6616 Rue 13-55, Porte 592 Zogona, 11 BP 1102 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


+26 73 903 656 Plot 115 Unit 8, 1st Floor Kgale Mews Gaborone